Our 3rd Annual Plant Sale, held on Saturday, May 15th, was nothing short of inspiring. Local gardeners were out early to buy their plants and support the Westchester Food Pantry. Dozens of varieties of herbs, veggies, and flowers flew off the tables before the rain caught up with us at around 10:30am. The plants that remained were offered for sale in pop-up sales on Friday, May 21st and Saturday, May 22nd. What plants that remained after the pop-up sales were handed out free of charge to clients of the Westchester Food Pantry during their Friday, May 28th client service period by GGG members Matt Downs and Janet Neal.
In total, Grassroots Garden Group raised $1,566 for the pantry through plant sales and donations at the event, with an additional $90 raised in donations on our Facebook page after the event. At May's monthly GGG meeting, we presented a check to WFP Executive Director, Amanda Grant, who stopped by to share words of thanks.
The past year has been difficult for everyone, but much more so for those that did not know where their next meal was going to come from. The pantry saw an exponential increase in need and put in thousands of volunteer hours to meet it. Thank you to everyone that showed up at our plant sale to purchase plants or just to make a donation--- the pantry will put those funds to good use.